A ­recap ­with ­the ­Femundsmarka ­outback

Cold winter nights gives you time to ponder on next years fishing trip, and what a summer in Norway might have in stall for you. Maybe going out of bounds for a fishing trip in the wilderness of Femundsmarka? In this film super local Jan Lillestu takes you on a hike through some of the typical landscape the area has to offer.

Cold winter nights gives you time to ponder on next years fishing trip, and what a summer in Norway might have in stall for you. Maybe going out of bounds for a fishing trip in the wilderness of Femundsmarka?  In this film super local Jan Lillestu takes you on a hike through some of the typical landscape the area has to offer. From Sylen, trough Grøtådalen to Røoset, – a scenic hike and nice film with both arctic char and big trout.

It is in Norwagian but the scenes speak for themselves. This is wilderness fishing from Fishspot.