Take ­your ­children ­fishing

Giving the children unforgettable experiences, fishing brings joy to the whole family. Giving your kid the chance and feeling of mastering a set of skills the way fishing does, will bring them […]

Giving the children unforgettable experiences, fishing brings joy to the whole family. Giving your kid the chance and feeling of mastering a set of skills the way fishing does, will bring them valuable confidence later in life. With guidance from adults one can create a broader understanding of how nature works, and with it, develop good values with regards to nature and animals. And even more importantly; the best reason to get them on the right track early in life might mean you yourself get to fish more often.

As long as they catch fish, kids will love it. Fishing species and technique is not important to small children – catching fish is. Keep this in mind when choosing fishing location and method. Fishing with worm and a float, a light spin rod in a small lake, or small creeks with a worm and sinker is always good choices given there is fish in the water. Look back – this is almost how we all started fishing in the first place. Grant the children the same life altering experiences that took yourself down this road. You might even have the chance to take them to the same places you fished yourself at a young age.

There is no such thing as a guaranteed fishing spot, so make sure you have other activities up your sleeve. Basic activities, such as making a fire and roasting a sausage, will remove the misery of not catching a fish and prevent the fishing experience from being a bad one. If you had a couple of fish, frying them up for the table is an important life lesson.

Forget your own fishing itch and make this an experience where the children are in focus. Keep it short, entertaining and engaging. Make sure they are not bored and bring plenty of food and snacks.

Showing off the catch is the culumination of the experince. You probably still remember running in the house to show your latest catch to mum or dad? Forget all thet putting the fish back stuff at this time in life. Most of the places suited for children’s fishing needs so fish being taken out anyway. It´s important to show kids and teach them to enjoy the bounties of nature and taste the fish. At the same token, it is important to teach the kids respect for living animals, how to handle them and treat them.

Rules when fishing with kids

In Norway children under the age of 16 fishes for free with rod or hand line from 1.st of Jan to 20.th August. This goes for all waters except for salmon and seatrout. Still, find out what rules apply where you are fishing as there are acceptions to the basic rules.

Here are some dedicated places for children

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