The ­Sylan ­Range: ­Arctic ­char ­in ­alpine ­lakes

The mountain areas of Sylan in Trøndelag are often referred to as the “jewel of Trøndelag.” The fish are representative of the nickname, but the weather doesn’t always cooperate. Keep an eye […]

The mountain areas of Sylan in Trøndelag are often referred to as the “jewel of Trøndelag.” The fish are representative of the nickname, but the weather doesn’t always cooperate. Keep an eye on the long-term forecast. During the next period of good weather, Sylan can come alive with activity …

Most of the 540 lakes in Tydal are home to both trout and char, but high up in the mountains, the char reign supreme—and for many anglers it’s the ultimate catch with the mountains as their playground.

Both char and trout indulge in large quantities of crustaceans and insects in the many nutrient-rich lakes, and both the size and quality of the fish are on par with the best in Norway.

The higher up in the mountains you go, the more important the weather becomes. There’s nothing as disheartening as targeting char during a north wind. It will simply be devoid of fish. No matter what you try, it’s as if the char are in a parallel dimension.

A big alpine arctic char on the fly is not something that can be guaranteed or even expected. Instead you should expect blisters, cold, and rainy fishless days before it suddenly materializes. When it finally happens you will never forget it. Foto: Vegard Veberg

When good weather moves in over the mountains, lakes that seemed lifeless can explode with activity, with large schools of mountain char feeding on midges, caddisflies, mayflies, and anything else in their path. Sometimes, they can be extremely selective and only take flies that precisely match what the fish are feeding on, especially when they are targeting midge-pupae.

Other times char just don’t care. They’ll take mice, streamers, and large attractor flies. This doesn’t happen often, but the likelihood increases when the barometric pressure rises and the char come alive after a long period of terrible weather.

The long-term forecast for Sylan on July 13th looks really gloomy. Temperatures will drop to near freezing, and strong winds are a death sentence for char bites. However, as soon as this turns around, you should seize the opportunity. It’s going to take off, so keep an eye on the long-term forecast and head out at the first sign of high pressure!

The lakes in Sylan near the Swedish border can offer fantastic fishing, and are equally great destinations for hiking. Put on your hiking boots and get ready for char fest!

While you wait for char-weather, the river Nea in Selbu offers some excellent trout fishing.

Tight lines!

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