Tynset ­joint ­fishing ­area

The fishing area surrounding Tynset can offer stunning fishing experiences, plenty of different species are to be found in the lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. Some areas are well suited for families and children other for the more experienced angler.

Fishing Licence

Licenses can be obtained either online (click the button) or various vendors in the area (gas stations, campsites, tourist office etc.)


The fishing area surrounding Tynset can offer stunning fishing experiences, plenty of different species are to be found in the lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. Some areas are well suited for families and children other for the more experienced angler.

Tynset joint fishing area consists of a total of 10 fishing areas where you can buy one fishing license that applies to all areas. It is also possible to buy a fishing license for just one of the areas.

Fishing Rules

  • Fishing season all year. Trout are protected from the 15th of September – 31st of October.
  • You are allowed to use worms, lure, spinner or fly when fishing.
  • We strongly recommend to release big fish
  • The fishing license is personal and only valid with a personal Id.
  • All children under the age of 16 years fish for free.
  • Violations of the rule might result is prosecution.
  • Be aware that Glomma-Tunna Fly fishing has it`s own rules.

Other Information

Show respect for farmed fields, do not walk across but walk on the edges. Respect local residents and only use marked parking places (see maps.). Remember that the atmosphere on and around the river is our common responsibility. Respect other anglers and bring your garbage back with you, don’t leave it in nature. 

Tynset Østre Tynset Vestre Tylldalen | Brydalen Fådalen Magnilldalen fiskeområdeTunndalen (pdf) | Nytrøa fiskeområde (pdf) | Sparsjøen fiskeområde (pdf) | Glomma- Tunna – Tynset |

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