Lake ­Femunden

Lake Femunden is Norway’s third largest and it is surrounded by wilderness. When fishing this lake a boat or a canoe is recommended, so you can be trolling after the big trout up to 10 kg or use an oter (planer board) after 0,5 kg+ trout or arctic char.

Fishing License

The License covers the whole Engerdal commune except Isteren, Ormutusjøen, Svalsjøen, Sylens private area, Hyllsjøen and Store Hundsjøen (see the fishing guide).

Licenses can be obtained either online (click the button) or from various vendors in the area (gas stations, campsites, tourist office etc.)


Lake Femunden is Norway’s third largest and it is surrounded by wilderness. When fishing this lake a boat or a canoe is recommended, so you can be trolling after the big trout up to 10 kg or use an oter (planer board) after 0,5 kg+ trout or arctic char. When out on the lake, take great care. The winds can come suddenly so stay close to shore. You have the possibility to rent a canoe.

The northern part of the lake is in Røros municipality and not covered by the License.

Fishing Rules

  • Fishing season all year.
  • Maximum size on trout is 40 cm, with the following exception: Each angler is allowed to take two trout over 40 cm per day.
  • There is the possibility to get a netting license. Sold at local vendors.
  • The fishing license is personal and only valid with a personal Id.
  • All children under the age of 16 years fish for free.
  • Violations of the rule might result is prosecution.

Other Information

Parts of Femunden are protective areas. Read and understand the protective regulations of the national park. DO NOT leave any signs of your travel. Lighting a fire is allowed, but only with lose twigs and branches picked from the ground. The old pine trees are 300-400 year old, and an important part of the national park and must be left alone.


Engerdal Mountain Board | Map Femund Engerdal | Info Femund Engerdal

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