Wishing for fishy weather

Skjåk har 250 kilometer rennande vatn du kan freista lykka i. Området har store variasjonar frå stad til stad, og årstid til årstid. Det einaste du kan vera sikker på er at naturen kan slå pusten frå deg.  Du kan starta aurefisket i slutten av april i Ottaelva.
Short-lining in Skjåk.

Trout up to 6 pounds feeding on the huge caddisfly in The Fyresdal Highlands is just an example of what is giving us the shakes as we're entering this most wondrous time of the year.

As summer settles in, there's always something happening in Fishspot country, from the southern mountains of Valebjørgheia in Fyresdal in the south to bear country of Snåsa in the north.

The current cool westerly weather is bringing rain and lower temperatures across southern Norway, after a period perfect for cool drinks in the shade. This change might just trigger mayfly hatches, midges, and rising trout, which are less wary under cloudy skies. Check out our fly fishing only areas for great spots in the coming weeks.

Weather and Water Conditions

Hoping for clouds, a bit of rain and «normal» norwegian summer temperatures at the start of the summer holiday can be a risky endeavor if overheard by our non-fishing friends, colleagues and partners. Nonetheless, weeks and weeks of warmth is terrible for the really important stuff. You know, decent flows and prolonged hatches … 

We have to say, whether you’re into dry fly fishing in clear currents for timid trout, nymphing for hefty grayling or chasing lunkers in Rena or giants of the migratory variety , there is something for you here.

There has been plenty of mayfly action in rivers in Fishspot Country. Here's a leaper from the fly fishing zone in Rena.

Mayflies abound in Rena

Water levels in Southern Rena are low for the season and the river is running a bit cold. Mayflies are hatching in good numbers here and there, sometimes causing a rise, sometimes not. Quite a lot of nymphs and larvae on the fishes menu these days. 

Not much of a change in the current conditions are needed to make the fish eat on or near the surface much more often. You can find information on surrounding rivers, accommodation and available guides here on Fishspot.

Big grayling like this one are plentiful at Kvennan Fly FIshing, in Rena, Trysilelva and several other rivers in Fishspot Country.

More in the pipeline

Most major rivers are running a bit low for the season, but there is rain on the horizon and there seems to be quite a bit more mayfly action in the pipeline. With the current weather forecast in mind dry fly enthusiasts that hit it right can come across everything from tiny pale morning duns to chunky #12 olives. 

And when we get that first warm and quiet evening there will be spinners in the air and hopefully on the water, in quantities that will tide us over as the coming of the caddisflies intensifies. If you're still wondering where to fish, check out these seven superb locations for excellent fly fishing in Norway.

Wilder things to come!

Wilderness fishing in backcountry regions like Snåsa , Lesja and Skjåk is still in the early stages and we have weeks and weeks of excellent adventures in front of us. Watching the weather forecast and hitting the high country at the right time, might be the start of your very best fishing trip this summer. Our friends among the highly secretive bunch of high alpine charr chasers.

Overlooking Femundsmarka in Engerdal.

Last but not least. Heading to Engerdal is always great advice for avid fly anglers. Despite our repeated recommendations, the population here remains low, with vast wilderness areas perfect for exploration. With varied fishing on the same license, it’s almost always possible to find good conditions. And don’t forget the alternatives – having a huge pike smash your popper like a great white might be just what the doctor ordered, unless you have a heart condition!

Take care and enjoy the coming weeks as much as you can. The best is yet to come.

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