Time for alpine trout in Skjåk

Most of the mountain lakes in Skjåk Almenning are ice-free. If you are tempted by fat mountain trout and unspoiled nature, you should make the trip now and in the coming weeks.
Fat trout. High mountain, peaks, untouched nature and lake after lake all the way to the horizon? Sounds tempting?Skjåk Allmenning has everything and now the mountain lakes are coming to life after a very snowy winter.
– The worst flooding in the small rivers has subsided, so now there are good conditions for mountain fishermen. I’m going up there myself very soon, says Kristen Hauger Dagsgaard in Skjåk Almenning.
Dagsgaard knows the area well area and tells us that the vast majority of lakes in the commons are fishable.
– The only areas I would steer clear of for the next two or three weeks are the area around Tordsvatnet and Storvatnet, north-west in the commons. There is still ice on some of the lakes.
Fortunately, large parts of the area are at lower elevation, and the fishing there is on, right now. Dagsgaard gives us the goods on where to try:
– The area from Heggebottflyet and eastwards towards Leirungsdalen. There conditions are optimal, says our man in Skjåk, before he continues:
– You can also take the trip from Skjåk and over to Lordalen, if you want to go on a longer adventure. Also check the river Tundre and up to the mountain plateau between Tundradalen and Sotadalen. There you have seven or eight different small lakes with good fishing. All are well suited for rod fishing from the bank.
If you are wondering about the conditions in Skjåk Almenning, just get in touch, says Dagsgaard.
You can find contact information here.