Rena ­river ­drift ­boat ­gallery

Dedicated photographer and fly fisher Brant Fageraas have recently had a visit to the Rena river. In this gallery we have put some of the pictures taken by Brant on his trip. […]

Dedicated photographer and fly fisher Brant Fageraas have recently had a visit to the Rena river. In this gallery we have put some of the pictures taken by Brant on his trip. The trip began, as it should, with a burger at Rena Fishcamp. This has become a must-have before starting a session for many Rena dwellers. The conditions are good in Rena now with stabile hatching of mayflies such as rohdani, marginata and sulphurea. Lean back and enjoy the imagery of Brant Fageraas. Also – check out his instagram.

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