Fishing ­in ­Engerdal

Engerdal County has over 900 lakes, ponds, creeks, and rivers and streams for the angler to choose from. This area is well known for its beautiful landscapes and more importantly for its excellent fishing. You will be hard pressed to find a better and more varied fishing license in Norway than Engerdal has to offer

Fishing License

Fishing Licenses can be purchased either online or locally.

This fishing license is valid for the entire county with the exception of Isteren, Ormutusjøen, Svalsjøen, Sylens private areas, Hyllsjøen and Store Hundsjøen (see the fishing guide).


Engerdal County has over 900 lakes, ponds, creeks, and rivers and streams for the angler to choose from. This area is well known for its beautiful landscapes and more importantly for its excellent fishing. You will be hard pressed to find a better and more varied fishing license in Norway than Engerdal has to offer, because this fishing license is valid in the entire county with only a few exceptions.

The landscape here sets the frame for an experience that will be hard to beat. The view to landmarks such as Femunden and Sølentoppen as well as Femundsmarkas distinctive crooked pine trees, moraine ridges, and uncountable lakes and ponds make Engerdal a destination in and of itself.

Fishing in Engerdal offers varied waterways that are home to big trout, char, grayling, pike, perch, whitefish, and big burbot. Fishing here The fishing here has everything you could imagine, from wilderness fishing far from the beaten track in Femundsmarka to easily accessible fishing areas for those with trouble getting around.

Here you will find the opportunity to try various types of fishing for a wide variety of species, from wild mountain trout to cultivated lakes. Engerdal Fjellstyre oversees the cultivation of many lakes both with managing the PH balance to support maximum health of the fishery as well as restocking many of the easily accessible lakes or waters with less natural reproduction.

Come and experience the fishing in Engerdal!

Fishing Regulations

  • Fishing is allowed year round with the following exceptions:
    • In all streams and rivers it is forbidden to fish from Semptember 1st to November 15th due to spawning, with the excepetion Femundselva where fishing is allowed during this period, and in Gløta, Isterfossen and Sømåa, where only grayling can be targeted during this period. Also remember that fishing rods are forbidden in Gløta, Isterfossen and Femundselva in the spring from the 15th of march to the 15th of may to protect the population of large stationary trout.
  • Catch regulations:
    • In Røa, Sømåa, Gløta, Sømåkvolvet and Lomtjønna the minimum size limit is 25 cm.
    • In Gløta and in the area Isterfossen and Femundselva downstream to the Trysil border there is no limit on fish under 30 cm and anglers are allowed on trout over 30 cm and one grayling over 38 cm per day.
    • In Femund and Langsjøen there is no limit on fish under 40 cm, and anglers are allowed to take 2 trout over 40 cm per day, or 2 fish per boat.
    • In Sømåa anglers are allowed two grayling per day, of which only one can be over 38 cm.
    • In Engeråa anglers are allowed two trout or grayling per day of which only one can be over 38 cm.
    • In Drevsjøen and Vurrusjøen the maximum size limit on pike is 85 cm. All pike over this size must be realeased.
  • The fishing license gives the right to use one fishing rod and up to three ice fishing rods as long as multiple rods are given constant attention. It is also allowed to use the norwegian “Oter” which is a floating planer board with multiple fishing rigs attatched to the board. Trolling is allowed with a maximum of 6 rods and lures per boat in Engersjøen and Femund, and a maximum of 4 rods and lures in Langsjøen, Drevsjøen and Vurrusjøen.
  • Fishing licenses are for personal use only and are not valid without valid identification.
  • Children under 16 years old fish for free.
  • Illegal fishing can be punishable by fine or arrest.
  • Telphone – Fishing control : +47 62 45 91 77 (Engerdal Fjellstyre)

Other information

Parts of Femunds neighboring wilderness areas are also fishable under special regulations. Most access is trail less, and fires are allowed only where twigs are found on the ground away from dry vegetation.

There are several official fireplaces and trash cans throughout the area, and these should be used always. Use respect towards other anglers and towards nature, maintaining this beautiful environment is our responsibility as anglers.

Engerdal Mountain Board | Map Femund Engerdal | Info Femund Engerdal

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