Atna water system
At the doorstep of the Rondane mountain range you will find good fishing for a number of species such as arctic char, trout and grayling. The Atna water system offers fishing in 50 lakes and 150 kilometer of rivers and creeks, all in grand nature scenes.
Fishing licence
You can purchase you licence online or with SMS on you mobile phone (requires Norwegian phone number), but you can also purchase you licence over the counter at: Atnasjø Kafé, Atnbrua Handel, Skogli Camping, Tangen hytteutleie, Rondane Gjestegård, Nordre Brænd gård, Solhaug Camping, Vestre Vuluvolden, Vangen Camping, G-sport Ringebu, Lundes Turisthandel, Atna Camping, Coop Atna, Rondane Rast & Info, Koppang Camping, Rondane Utleie, Rondane Friluftssenter Rondetunet, and with Sollia Fjellstyre.
At the doorstep of the Rondane mountain range you will find good fishing for a number of species such as arctic char, trout and grayling. The Atna water system offers fishing in 50 lakes and 150 kilometer of rivers and creeks, all in grand nature scenes.
In between Østerdalen valley and Gudbrandsdalen valley you will find Sollia and the Atna water system.
The main stream, Atna river, comes out of the Rondane national park into the mighty Atna lake and from there it continues into Glomma river. On the upper part of the river, up stream from Atna lake, trout is the only species. Downstream on the other hand, the river also sports grayling. In Atna lake a specias of large trout recides, and also a good population of arctic char.
Other information

There are boats for rent on Setningen lake and Finnsjøen lake. Please contact Rondane Gjestegård.
You will find 8 gapahuk and ljørbuer (ask someone) in the area. They are open to the public. Be very careful with open fire. Pick up your trash.
Links (Sollia mountain board)