Klokkervangen Cabins
With close proximity to legendary river Vangrøfta we have several cabins with different standards. Fishing licence on river Vangrøfta is sold separately and there is also a rod limit on ten rods, so […]
With close proximity to legendary river Vangrøfta we have several cabins with different standards. Fishing licence on river Vangrøfta is sold separately and there is also a rod limit on ten rods, so make sure to acquire a licence before booking a cabin if that is your goal. There are of course several other fishing options in the area, river Glomma being one of them.
Cabin # 1, Klokkervangen
The Klokkervangen cabin has room for four persons in single beds. It’s situated 200 meters from the river. The cabin facilities is a kitchen, bath room with shower, a television, stove, refrigerator and coffee maker. You can drive right up to the cabin.
Weekly rent friday-friday. Price on enquery
Cabin # 2, Kvangravbakken
The Kvangravbakken cabin has room for three persons in single beds. It’s situated 200 meters from the Vangrøfta river. The cabin facilities is a simple kitchen and have running water outside the cabin and an outhouse. You can drive right up to the cabin.
Weekly rent friday-friday. Price on enquery.