Gudbrandsdalslågen slowly awakens

The river is high, but still not reaching flood-levels in zone 5-7 in Gudbrandsdalslågen. Expect fluctuating water-levels and varying fishing in the weeks to come.
An enormous snowpack is still covering the mountain plateaus of upper Gudbrandsdalen. In some areas there is over 3 times the average amount normal for this time of year, and this of course affects the tributaries and Gudbrandsdalslågen in zones 5-7 from Sel to Lora.
There are some fish being caught, but primarily by anglers who know the river well at high flows. The wind has been putting a damper on surface activity, both among fish and anglers.
Large variations
Through zones 5-7 both the water clarity and temperature have varied greatly dependent on temperature and rainfall. Warm weather and rain will cause the river to rise and decrease water clarity in the coming weeks, and in some zones cause the water temperatures to drop. The water levels and clarity of the tributaries from high mountain areas can vary greatly. It can also fluctuate a good deal over the course of the day. There is less snow in Rondane, so these streams are falling quicker than those running from higher up in the Lågen watershed.
Slow season start
There have been some mosquito and stonefly hatches over the Pentecost weekend, but only in short windows with little wind. During the rainy weather on thursday there were perfect conditions for the mayfly Baetis Rhodani, according to local anglers. However, this little mayfly which typically loves terrible weather never showed up.
To be concise, the conditions are tough, but there are fish to be found – and if you are in the right place at the right time you’ll always have a good chance of catching trout and grayling.
Give it a couple weeks and the fishing should be on, just a bit later than usual.