Fishspot Early Summer Report: Great Experiences in Small Rivers and Lakes

For great fishing experiences with the fly rod in the coming weeks, you have a lot to choose from, from the enormous Glomma to smaller rivers and ponds.
We’re betting that rivers and ponds in Østerdalen, Rendalen, and Femund-Engerdal have the greatest potential as we now enter a more “normal” summer period.
The Glomma from Aursunden to Elverum has normal summer water levels and a water temperature of 15°C. The insect hatching is well ahead of schedule, and there is extensive spring fly activity in the currents at Kvennan Fly Fishing. Hatchings of E. danica, E. vulgata, and P. grandis are imminent and will, as usual, be able to lure the year’s largest to take dry flies. Trysilelva, Engeråa, Hola, and Unsetåa are always good choices when the largest mayflies are on the menu.
Mountain lakes in Rendalen and Engerdal can offer splashy rises and great fishing if the large spring fly Phryganea grandis decides to cruise around on the water surfaces like a little remote-controlled speedboat. Quiet and warm evenings are often the time for it, but also try a large streaking caddis or similar fly in the waves in the sunshine. When the grandis is active on the water, the fish follow extra closely on the surface.

Clear current
Smaller rivers that should also be mentioned during this period are Brya in Brydalen, a beautiful little and clear river with good conditions for visual fishing (also known as spooking …) after trout on feeding or early spawning migration from the lake downstream. In Grimsa, the spring flood is over significantly earlier than usual, and the rest of June looks very promising in the beautiful river at the base of Rondane.
If you really love clear rivers and fly fishing after fish you can see? If you think there is generally too much (or too little) water, wind, warmth, and people in zones 5 and 7 in Gudbrandsdalslågen, a trip to the Atndalen fishing area is a good tip. Both Atna and Setninga have beautiful trout in crystal clear water, perfect for fly fishers who don’t say no to a challenge as long as they avoid the crowds.

Still Snow in the High Mountains
Spring came early, but there is still some snow left in the high mountains west of Gudbrandsdalen, Dovrefjell, Breheimen, and Reinheimen. The same applies to Jotunheimen. Varying temperatures and precipitation that can come both as rain and snow in the coming period make it difficult to predict fishing conditions. Yo-yo water levels are a possible hint in rivers with the highest precipitation fields.
You definitely won’t get a guarantee against crowding in Hemsila, but in the coming week, there are good chances that you can have decent elbow room and good hatchings of Baetis rhodani. In two weeks, we turn our gaze towards Holselva and check how the swarms of Siphlonorus aestevalis are doing.

What about Rena?
Of course, we cannot forget Rena. If the chance of finding a rising trout over two kilos is most important to you, then Southern Rena is still the best tip. Also check Northern Rena, and not least Mistra if you want to try a streamer after the big migratory ferox trout. And if you take the trip to Barduelva in Troms, you can also hit reasonably well, but the conditions there change very fast. Have a Plan B ready if the river fails.
Cast and cast!