Glomma River in Åmot
The Rena River with its good qualities is well known among many anglers, in addition you have Glomma, Åsta, Søre-Osa and Julussa which can give you thrilling fishing experiences.
Fishing License
License that cover Søndre Rena, Glomma, Julussa, Søre Osa and Åsta.
License that cover Glomma, Julussa, Søre Osa and Åsta.
Licenses can be obtained either online (click the button), SMS or various vendors in the area (gas stations, campsites, tourist office etc.)
The Rena River with its good qualities is well known among many anglers, in addition you have Glomma, Åsta, Søre-Osa and Julussa which can give you thrilling fishing experiences. The Åmot River board manages and sells licenses for five different rivers, you can buy one license that covers all the rivers.
The Glomma River varies quite a lot when it runs through Åmot. North of Rena center the river is characterized by faster currents, followed by deeper and quieter stretches. The areas south of Rena are wider, deeper and more quiet. The most important species for sport and recreational fishing are trout, grayling, mountain whitefish and pike. The species are commonly encountered throughout the river section.
Other Information
Show respect for farmed fields, do not walk across but walk on the edges. Respect local residents and only use marked parking places (see maps.). Remember that the atmosphere on and around the river is our common responsibility. Respect other anglers and bring your garbage back with you, don’t leave it in nature.
Links | fishing regulations (pdf)