Learn ­about ­the ­fishing ­opportunities ­with ­the ­Snåsa ­Mountain ­Board.

Learn more about Snåsa Fjellstyre (Snåsa Mountain Board) and the many fishing opportunities within the fantastic mountain area they manage in this new film. Just think… Over 2000 fishable lakes with trout […]

Learn more about Snåsa Fjellstyre (Snåsa Mountain Board) and the many fishing opportunities within the fantastic mountain area they manage in this new film. Just think… Over 2000 fishable lakes with trout and char! Snåsa Fjellstyre has something to offer for all types of anglers. From lakes that are easily accessible, to countless lakes that require hiking boots and backpacking gear, rivers, creeks, and nature you have only dreamed about before.

In Snåsa and Blåfjella – Skjåkerfjella National Park there are a wide variety of cabins available for rent through Snåsa Fjellstyre. Otherwise it is always an option to pack the tent and experience wilderness the old fashioned way. No matter what you choose, just make sure to pack the fishing rod for the best possible experience.

For more information on the various offers available please see the offers below, or visit Snåsa Fjellstyre