Bjønntjønnan ­Cabin

Welcome to the cabins at Bjønntjønnan, surrounded by high mountains with a wide-open view, where you practically can sit reclining in the sun at the cottage while enjoying your fishing and listening to […]

Welcome to the cabins at Bjønntjønnan, surrounded by high mountains with a wide-open view, where you practically can sit reclining in the sun at the cottage while enjoying your fishing and listening to the silence of nature.

Bjønntjønnan is log and panel hunting cabin, renovated in 1997, with a good standard. The cabin, owned by Vingelen Joint Ownership, is 40 square meters and consists of a combined living room bedroom, kitchen, and 5 beds.

The kitchen has a propane stove, but does not have running water or electricity. Water is found at the well. Heating is provided by a woodstove. The facilities consist of an outhouse. Bring your sleeping bag. At the cabin you will find life preservers for 3 adults, and 2 children. Dogs are allowed. Located roughly 3 km from the road, and 17 km from the nearest town.

The cabins are rented out from mid summers eve to the 1st of October, as well as during the easter holiday. During easter the cabins are available for a minimum of 3 nights. Cabins must be ordered at least 1 week in advance. There is also the option for a snowmobile ride to the cabin.

For more information please contact Vingelen Tourist.

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